Wesclin CUSD #3 Preschool For All Information & Handbook
March 04, 2020
Your child has qualified for the Preschool For All (Pre-Kindergarten) Program by going through a screening process in the following areas:
Cognitive skills
Fine and gross motor skills
Speech and language skills
Social and emotional behavior
Vision and hearing
Home and health factors
Preschool for All is a free program for students who qualify. Wesclin currently offers 3 classrooms of 20 students each.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Wesclin Preschool for All Program is to initiate a program of learning experiences for three, four, and five year old children and their parents. Wesclin PFA will also provide remediation for any intellectual, social, or emotional deficits the child may exhibit in an effort to positively influence future academic and social/emotional success in school.
School Dates and Times
The PreK program operates Monday through Friday on the Wesclin School District’s calendar. PreK is not in attendance on district early dismissal days.
AM Class: 8:00 am - 10:30 am
PM Class: 11:45 am - 2:15 pm