Middle School Bulletin
Wesclin Middle School
Daily Announcements
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Celebrating Today: Lucas Haller (6) & Mrs. Wernle “Big 40”
- The following groups will have group yearbook photos TODAY: First Priority, Scholar Bowl, Robotics, Golf, 5-8th Grade Band, 5-8th Grade Chorus, GOTR
8:25 First Priority, Scholar Bowl, Golf, GOTR, Robotics
8:35 Chorus- 5th Grade, 6-8th Grade
8:50 Band - 5th Grade, 6-8th Grade
- Heroes can be found right in your backyard - and here's your chance to honor them! We know there are many heroes out there who show up, pitch in and go the extra mile every day. To help your school recognize them, we invite you to submit a nomination for the 2025 SLDDC Homegrown Hero award. This award honors hard-working people like farmers, who grow our food and help keep Americans strong and healthy. Just write a paragraph and/or submit a photo or video that explains why you are nominating them. Make sure to show or tell us how they make a difference in your community and why they should be named a 2025 Homegrown Hero. Please email them to Mrs. Emig (emign@wesclin.org) by Wednesday, April 9th.
- 8th graders remember to turn in permission slip and money for Six Flags to Mr. Behrman by Friday.
- Yearbook Editors: We will have meetings Monday, March 31st, and Wednesday, April 2nd, after school until 4:00.
- Any 8th grader interested in running for High School Stuco there will be a meeting on April 1st at 2:20 in the cafeteria.
Today’s Lunch Menu Options:
Orange Chicken Rice Bowl, American Sub, Crispy Chicken Wrap, Chicken Casesar Salad, Cheeseburger, Chicken Patty Sandwich, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Sun Butter & Jelly, Fruit & Yo to Go, Beef Nachos, BBQ Chicken Pizza, Cheese Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza & Sausage Pizza
Athletic Events for the Week:
Thursday, March 27th
● Track @ Mater Dei 4:00 Bus: tentatively 2:45
Saturday, March 29th
● Volleyball at State (see the attached information) Bus: tentatively 8:00
Game 1. 10am Wolf Branch vs Region 2 (Thomas Gym)
Game 2. 10am Wesclin vs Region 1 (Auxiliary Gym)
Game 3. 11am Millstadt vs Hamilton County (Thomas Gym)
Game 4. 11am DuQuoin vs Salem Franklin Park (Auxiliary Gym)
SEMI-FINALS – Thomas Gym
Game 5. 12 pm Winner of Game 1 vs Winner of Game 2
Game 6. 1pm Winner of Game 3 vs Winner of Game 4
FINALS- Thomas Gym
Game 7. 2pm Loser of Game 5 vs Loser of Game 6 (3rd Place)
Game 8. 3pm Winner of Game 5 vs Winner of Game 6 (Championship)