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2024/2025 School Fees

Student Fees




Kindergarten               $  60.00                                   Grades 1 - 3                $  92.00


Grades 4 - 8                $100.00                                   Grades 9-12                $120.00




High School Extra Fees                         Middle School Extra Fees         Elementary Extra Fees


$30 Band                                                $30 Band                                    $10 Technology

$20 per semester Art                             $10 Technology

$20 per semester Ind. Arts/Ag              $20 Chromebook Protection

$20 per semester Welding                     Insurance Program

$35 Parking                                            (Optional-Gr 6-8)

$160 Driver Ed – Classroom

$20 Family Consumer Science

$10 College Algebra/Trigonometry

$10 Technology

$20 Chromebook Protection Insurance Program (Optional)



Athletic Fees


                                     Grades 9-12                 Grades 4-8


Per sport                             $60                              $50

Student limit                     $135                            $100

Family limit                      $200                            $200






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