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Wesclin High School NHS Hosts Blood Drive

March 08, 2016



By: Mary Hagarty

Wesclin National Honor Society hosted a blood drive at the high school for St. Joseph's Hospital and Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, March 2nd. Every year, Wesclin’s National Honor Society sponsor, Jamie Block, encourages all Wesclin students who are 16 years old or older to donate blood. This year Mrs. Block set a goal of 75 donors. Wesclin has not reached their goal in a couple years, but this year the goal was exceeded with a number of 82 donors.  According to Alyssa Fuhrman, the blood drive coordinator, this year's blood drive had the largest number of new donors. Mrs. Block said, “This is the best blood drive I have worked in five years. No students passed out, there was no drama, and we even received compliments from the head nurse about how fantastic our students were.” There were snacks and beverages laid out for all the donors and plenty of Wesclin’s National Honor Society members were present working the blood drive to help keep donors calm and relaxed. Sophomore, Madeline Oelrich, who participated as a donor in the blood drive, said, “The workers for the blood drive were very nice and all the student staff were very comforting.” Wesclin looks forward to hosting the blood drive again and encourages everyone to participate.


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