High School Bulletin
Wesclin High School Bulletin
Thursday, March 27, 2025
HAPPY BIRTHDAY -Summer Johnson!
STUDENT COUNCIL - Any high school student wanting to run for next year's student council should see Mrs.Kunz for an application. All forms must be submitted by Wednesday, April 9th.
COAST GUARD ACADEMY - Students interested in learning more about the U.S. Coast Guard Academy can attend an informational meeting in St. Louis with LTJG Joshua Williams on April 12th. Sign up here.
HELP NEEDED - Mrs. Page is looking for help selling concessions on Thursday and Saturday for the musical. If you are interested, please see her for more details.
SENIORS - Free senior photos are being offered to a limited number of students. If you have not yet submitted a senior picture, contact yearbook staff member Bridget Heap @ heapb@wesclin.org prior to March 31st for more details.
NCAA BRACKET - After the first week of the NCAA Bracket Challenge the leaders are:
1st place Bill Quinn
2nd place Mr. Farmer
3rd place Mr. Rahm
There are several ties for 4th place
Megan Marks
1st hour Government
Mrs. Reeser
Lucas Flanagan
Mrs. Engleman
BAND - Wesclin High school band is hosting a Trivia Night and Silent Auction on Saturday, April, 5th in the cafetorium. Doors will open @ 6:30 PM and trivia will begin @ 7:00 PM. For table reservations and sponsor inquiries call/text 618-250-2927 or email marcy.gonzalez27@gmail.com
CONGRATULATIONS to our Seniors of the Month
Joaquin Gomez-Gonzales- Band
Evelyn Yukna - Academics
Lyric Rensing - Overall
SENIORS - Check the Class of 2025 classroom to take advantage of receiving a free 2025 T-shirt. You can also submit a high school memory by March 28th. One will be chosen to receive a prize.
ART CLUB - Any art club member who would like to help paint the flower pots for the FFA plant sale, come get a pass for a study hall or advisory (not on wellness Wednesdays). You must have a pass to help.
CONTEST - The Charles Schweizer History Essay Contest is open to all high school students. Please CLICK HERE for more information. Essays due May 31, 2025.
BSN SIDELINE STORE - Opened 24/7/365 days a year. Link attached below
HELP WANTED - Jim's Formal Wear is looking for part time help during the prom season. You must be at least 16 years of age to apply. Contact Debbie Vahlkamp 618-224-9211 for more information. Click here for more information.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2024-2025 Prom Court Nominees
Kolin Monical Ella Bretz
Owen Josias Arleth Sanchez
Reign Bateman Alaina Bequette
Elliott Schleisinger McKenzie Shreeman
Cole Friedrich Lilly Biggs
Landon Rives Ashley Sanchez
Caden Hartsburg Cora Hill
Reese Kohlbrecher Lexi Hooks
JUNIORS - Friday, March 28th - Illinois College visits during 7th hour
SUMMER JOB - Clinton County Highway Department is looking for a full-time summer position from May-August. Click here for more info
TRENTON POOL - Hiring Lifeguards for this summer. Pick up and turn in applications to Trenton City Hall as soon as possible.
NEW BADEN POOL - Hiring Lifeguards and Swim Instructors $16-$18/hour. Must be 15 years old. Apply HERE and Select New Baden for location. Click here for more information.
LOST AND FOUND - Students please check lost & found and claim your items!
Thurs-Sat, Mar 27-29 - Spring Musical, 7:00 PM
Tues, Apr 15 - ACT Testing ( 9th, 10th, 11th, No Seniors)
Sat, April 12 - PROM at Four Points Sheraton
Thurs, Apr 17-Mon, Apr 21 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
Fri, April 25 -Senior Pictures due for the Yearbook
Sat, April 26 - Math Team State Finals
Mon, April 28 - Academic Awards Ceremony, 7:00 PM
THURS 3/27:
4:30 PM Boys Junior Varsity Baseball - Breese Mater Dei High School - Depart - 3:15 PM - Away
4:30 PM Boys Varsity Baseball - Breese Mater Dei High School - Home
4:30 PM Girls Varsity Softball - Breese Mater Dei High School - Home
5:00 PM Girls Varsity Soccer - Gilbault Catholic HS - Home
FRI 3/28:
4:30 PM Boys Varsity Baseball - Mascoutah High School V-JV-DH - Depart 3:00 PM - Away
4:30 PM PM Boys Junior Varsity Baseball - Mascoutah High School V-JV-DH - Depart 3:00 PM - Away
TBA - Coed Varsity Track - OPEN Illinois Prep Top Times - TBA - Away
SAT 3/29:
10:00 AM Girls Varsity Softball - Staunton High School - Depart - 8:00 AM - Away
1:00 PM Girls Junior Varsity Softball - Cancelled - Staunton High School - 1/2 JV after - Depart 9:00 AM - Away